A step by step guide for using SEO to grow your online store sales

Do you want more customers and higher sales? If so, the first thing you need to do is learn how to use SEO. There’s a lot of information on this topic, but it can be hard to know where to start.

This blog post will give you an overview of SEO and how it can help your online store grow. And if that isn’t enough for you, we’ll also share some tips that have worked for us!

What Is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s the process of getting more traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo!

As an eCommerce website store owner, it’s your job to get your product in front of shoppers who are actively looking to buy. SEO is the best way to target these searchers and stand out among competing stores.

Making sure your eCommerce site is search engine optimized is a fundamental part of running a business these days. SEO has been proven to increase sales and revenue growth dramatically.

The good news for small businesses is that SEO usually doesn’t require a huge investment or marketing team to pull off. If you can learn the basics, then you can start seeing results right away.

How To Use SEO To Grow Your Online Store Sales

seo for online store

As you’re probably already aware, there are hundreds of thousands (maybe even millions) of online stores out there competing for shoppers’ attention. They’re all selling similar products and services that offer the same benefits.

To see success with your eCommerce store, you need to find a way to stand out against the competition. SEO can help you do just that.

How? Well, let’s take a look.

1: Create Compelling Content That Google Loves

If you want to improve your search engine rankings, you need to start creating high-quality content shared online.

Google and other search engines highly value digital content because it’s free, and anyone with an internet connection can access it. It also helps them provide a better experience for their users.

And that brings us back to you. You can use content to improve your site’s user experience by making it more interactive, informative, and visually appealing. Your web pages should also load faster, which is another factor search engines consider when ranking websites.

So how do you go about creating this content?

The simplest thing you can do is share articles and videos on your blog. This is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your niche and build trust with new customers.

Don’t forget that social media can be used as a platform to create content, too. If for some reason, that sounds like too much work, then there’s always the option of hiring a freelance copywriter to do it for you.

2: Build Links To Your Site

There are two main ways you can build links to your eCommerce store.

First, there’s the option of exchanging links with other sites in your industry. This is an effective strategy because it helps improve your site’s authority and credibility.

As an eCommerce store owner, you can think of it as building business relationships with people in your industry. Then, you want to continue to build on these connections so that search engines see your site as a valuable resource for shoppers who actively use search engines to find products and services.

The second way you can get links is by creating your own. This means sharing your website content with different online communities. Sites like Reddit, Tumblr, and Medium are great places for you to share helpful information or blog posts related to your industry.

3: Optimize Your On-page SEO

While a lot goes into great SEO, optimizing your on-page factors is a must if you want to rank well with search engines.

You need to optimize four main on-page factors: title tags, meta descriptions, URL slugs, and page content.

Here’s a quick rundown of each one:

Title Tags: These tell customers and search engine crawlers what a certain web page is about. To get started, pick a descriptive title that includes your brand name, the page’s topic, and relevant keywords.

Meta Descriptions: These are used to describe web pages in search engine results. Your meta description should be between 150-160 characters long because anything longer than that becomes truncated. To optimize these effectively, include one primary keyword at the beginning, followed by one or two secondary keywords, and end with a call to action (i.e., visit our website).

URL Slugs: Each web page on your eCommerce store should have a unique URL. This isn’t necessary when creating category-specific pages, but you need to apply this for product pages. To develop a good URL, use your primary keyword as a reference, but limit it to 3-5 words before the “.com” part of the web address.

Page Content: Search engines look at more than just what’s on your product and category pages. They also assess how informative and helpful your other pages (e.g., about us) are. But don’t stuff your content with keywords. Otherwise, search engines will see through it.

Internal links are another on-page factor that you need to optimize. These are hyperlinks from one page of your eCommerce store to another. This helps improve site navigation and assures customers that they’re within the right section of your website.

4: Improve Your Site Speed

Keep in mind that the slower a site is to load, the less likely people will stick around and wait for it to appear on their screens. 40% of online shoppers will leave a page that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

To address this, make sure your hosting company is using a CDN (content delivery network). This will help speed up site crawling and improve search rankings.

Another way of optimizing for faster loading times is by reducing the size of your images. Keep in mind that large graphics can weigh down the loading time of your web pages. To reduce file size without compromising quality, convert your graphics into JPEGs before uploading them to your site.

5: Generate More Product Reviews

Shoppers are more likely to buy a product with positive reviews and ratings from former customers. Not only that, but search engines also favor websites with user-generated content.

Accordingly, it would help if you got more shoppers to leave high-quality reviews on your website. But don’t be pushy about it. Instead, try incentivizing them by offering discounts or exclusive access to new products in exchange for their feedback.

6: Do Keyword Research

To grow your eCommerce store, you need to pinpoint high-value keywords that customers are likely using when searching for a product like yours. To get started, take a look at the reviews and questions related to your industry on sites like Amazon and eBay.

The next step is to generate ideas for relevant keywords by looking through search engine results pages and analyzing which ones get the most traffic. You can do this manually or use a paid tool like SEMrush. From there, take note of those that have lower competition levels and high search volumes.

7: Boost Your Conversion Rate

The more people you can get to convert, the better your online store’s growth. But to do that, you need to create a strategy that helps convince prospects to complete the checkout process. Some tools can help with this, but improving your website design and copywriting skills will also go a long way.

For example, make your website look more trustworthy by using trust badges from organizations. You can also add testimonials from past buyers and include short videos that show people speaking positively about what you’re selling. The point is to convince the prospect that others have tried your products and were happy with the results.

8: Never Stop Improving

As mentioned earlier, optimizing your PPC campaigns is a constant process that can help you acquire more customers and earn higher returns on your investments. So even after you’ve done all the necessary on-page and off-page efforts, don’t stop running tests. It’s also a good idea to keep track of your ROI and improve until you notice the numbers going up.

SEO is indeed a long-term endeavor, but it’s something that you need to prioritize to drive more traffic to your eCommerce store. The more people you can get on board, the better off you’ll be. Start by doing keyword research and taking advantage of all the tools that can help you.

Once you’ve done your homework, put your plan into action and watch as visitors take a greater interest in what you have to offer. Before you know it, you’ll notice more people going from casual browsers to loyal customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

seo for online store

How much does SEO improve sales? 

Although it depends on a variety of factors, SEO can help your online store grow exponentially. Some studies have shown that implementing “white hat” tactics can increase conversions by as much as 30%.

Is SEO dead?

The short answer is no. Although building links and creating high-quality content takes a lot more effort than it used to, it’s still a worthwhile strategy that can help retailers increase their online presence.

How do I get started with SEO?

With the right tools and knowledge in place, you’ll be able to implement an effective SEO strategy by yourself. But if you need additional resources or would rather avoid the hassle, hiring a professional SEO marketer is a better option.

How long does it take for SEO to work?

It depends on the keywords that you target and the strategies that you use. For best results, try promoting one or two products first and see if they start getting more views from organic search. More important is that you’re consistent with your efforts, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away.

How can a business use SEO to attract consumers? 

By analyzing the keywords your competitors are targeting and creating a strategy with those in mind, you can help people find out about your products and services. Some of the benefits of SEO include increased visibility on search engines, greater brand recognition, and improved conversion rates.

Is SEO good for eCommerce?

Yes, SEO can help retailers get more visitors to their websites. But to get the most out of SEO, it’s important to have a good keyword strategy in place. You can also benefit from the various tools that are available for tracking your results.

Last Thoughts

SEO is a good way to grow your online store sales. To do this, you need to understand how search engines work and what people are looking for when searching the internet.

This article has given you some great pointers and actionable steps that can be taken right away to improve your website’s visibility in Google searches and increase traffic, which will lead to more conversions or higher profits from each customer who visits your site.

We hope that this article has been helpful, and we look forward to seeing your results!